well I have posted this photo because pinko (whos link you can find to the right) has just been to the 3 sisters and posted an identical photo. So there you go pinko, i think you might have been a bit further along than me. I'll update again soon. Chicko and I are going to a free Diesel concert on the weekend in a park. Should be good, we are going with our neighbours, taking a picnic and an esky so maybe i can get some photos there.

Hey Pia
Hows it going? you are on the opposite side to Pinko but the three sisters look the same. Will try and get some photos this weekend to update my blog. I know that you can get those beer towers (aka Pinko o/s) at some pub in Brisvegas. Anyways procratinating as usual
Hiya Pia and Mcmaster,
I will hunt around to see if I can find the photo of me at the Three Sisters when I was a lad - and post that one up too. Man, I could do with a beer tower right about now. Bisvegas - when's the road trip? Seeya guys,
Hi you guys,
well I am always ready to have you guys come over here. I am sure we can find beer towers in Perth, I'll loook around.
are you guys going to Sydney this weekend for lawn bowls?? If you are have a good time with everyone.
Hey Pinko and scace
Are we really on opposite side in this photo. It looks the same to me. what is the go with that, can someone please explain. Trust you too work something like that out scace.
have a good day at work scacey and pinko I don't really know what you are doing but have fun too. i think you are on holidays.
PS. Pinko have you updated security on this comment thingy I just had to fill in a 9 letter word verification. Its straning my eyes........ahhhh
I just realised I am commenting on my site not yours pinko so ignore my PS on the last comment.
Hey Pia
dont you are on left not right of photo not opposite side of three sisters cos theres a big hole the other side. Will have to definately make a road trip soon got a job interview this arvo for agronomist job in Young but not that sure want to go back to the central west quite yet. Also have done an update.
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