Friday, March 10, 2006
hi all, sorry I haven't posted for a while been busy. Anyway i don't have any photos to post so i will just write a bit of what we have been up too. well both chicko and i are working in perth now so that is going well. my job is at a place called TSA, i do order management which is okay just making sure people get there stuff on time and alot of paper work and organising. chicko is working for elders which is going okay as well, the other day he was organising a bunch of cows to go on a ship to somewhere in the middle east, hopefully not to Egypt after that report the other day. I hope maybe soon he will be able to take me to have a look at the massive export ships. That is about all that has been happeing, i did drop the iron on chickos guitar the other day and put a crack in it. maybe I can post a pic of that. catch you all later

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