Saturday, April 08, 2006
Hi all, well i haven't posted for a while i just haven't had time at all. So i wil try and give you all a bit of an update. We are still in Perth having a blast, have just been to the west coast blues and roots festival, which was awsome. I have posted some photos below not the greatest photos but it gives you a bit of a look. It was down in Freo on the esplanade with great big trees just an awsome place to sit around all day. What made the day even better is we got our tickets for $70 not $110 off some hawker out the front. so that was my first blues and roots and i can't believe i have never bothered to go in the past it was just the greates day. Where i am writing this from it doesn't allow me to use paragraphs so this is just one big block, sorry about that. My job is going really well and i am loving it i have just become the trainer in the last couple of weeks which is awsome. It is good as my work has just changed its systems of operation so i am learning the new systems with everyone then trying to train them to others. so far it is a lot of work and very challenging so i am loving it. I hope everyone has a nice Easter and if anyone feels like coming to Perth, come and stay with us. 1 more thing before i go, last weekend i caught up with brooke thompson, so now that we both are living in wa we think that you girls (jess,jane and jules) should come over for a catch up. hi touty thanks for your message and jules hello to you too i haven't spoken to you for a while but i will have to call you soon. I would say hi to kirkers but she is hopeless and i think never checks her emails or this. allright thats enoug for now, see you later

Sounds (and looks) like you're having a great time Pia!
Simon is down in Margaret River at the mo so I'm hoping to get over to WA sometime soon and am planning on swinging by Perth to catch up with you while I'm there.
So can we expect you in Cowra for the Races?
Better go - you can expect a letter from me soon so I can give you some goss! ;)
Why not spill it here on the blog, Paula?
Hello pia
Well I would love love love to come over and visit you guys especially as my friend alex is in margaret river as well however finding a time is bloody tricky!! why cant school hols be longer. Im skiing in july and then back to vanuatu in october yep rest assurred that i am still the princess you love and adore chat soon x x x jules
I wonder who left that comment............. Aunty is that you???????
look out fot the hot photos on wednesday
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